
From March 21 to 24, 2022, the 15th edition of the Ecology and Behaviour ("E&B") meetings will take place in Strasbourg.

> Since 2005, these scientific meetings - focusing on ecology, evolutionary biology and animal behaviour - have been organized by and for young scientists (Masters, PhD candidates and post-doc). The specific feature of E&B meetings is that it does not require expensive financial contribution to give everyone the opportunity to attend.

  • NO registration fees
  • Accommodation and lunch will be provided to people presenting a talk or poster

During 3-4 days, this event allows young researchers from different countries to present their work in English to a large audience, but also to exchange and make contacts within the international scientific community. Sessions will be introduced by invited researchers, specialists in the research field in question. Thus, participants benefit from the presence of experienced researchers, who are more accessible than at larger conferences. These meetings are open to anyone wanting to attend : students, researchers, or curious peoples outside the academic world (within the limits of available places).


> For presentations (oral or posters), we are open to all animal models and to very broad themes in ecology, evolutionary biology and animal behaviour: applied ecology, population dynamics, impact of climate change, biomonitoring, animal behaviour and cognition, physiology and evolutionary ecology... So, do no hesitate to propose an abstract to spread your research!

> Sharing scientific knowledge with a wide audience has always been an important part of the E&B meetings and it is for this reason that popular science events are often organized as part of the congress. Details of the organization, planning and social events are or will be posted on this site as they become available ('Social events' section).


 Save the date, we are waiting for you!!

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